COVID Safety for Classes
COVID-19 Procedures & Protocols for 2021-2022 Student Matinees
Synetic Theater takes the health of its artists, staff, and guests seriously. We have coordinated with the Arlington Public Health Department to compose these procedures and protocols with your safety in mind.
- If you are experiencing any symptoms commonly associated with COVID-19 including, but not limited to coughing, fever, chills, new loss of taste or smell, sore throat, body aches, fatigue, or headache, DO NOT ATTEND. Thank you.
- We reserve the right to turn away any guests clearly exhibiting those symptoms.
- All teachers, chaperones, staff, and students will be required to wear a mask that covers the nose and mouth. Please note that performers will not be masked.
- All staff will be masked, gloved, and vaccinated.
- We encourage the use of the hand sanitizer stations posted throughout the lobby.
- There will be no loitering or congregating in the lobby allowed. Students must go directly to their seats once they have checked in.
- Student groups will be assigned staggered arrival times based on their seats to prevent crowding of the box office area, lobby, and aisles.
- Restrooms will be available, but with limited capacity at any given time.
- No concessions will be sold. We encourage you to bring your own water bottle as the water fountains are closed.
- All tickets must be purchased in advance, and late seating is heavily discouraged.
- Students will be at least 10 feet away from the performers on stage.
- Student groups exiting the theater after the performance will be staggered at the direction of the house manager, with rows being dismissed individually at the end of the show.
- Vaccinations and negative PCR tests will not be required for school groups due to age. However, they are required for public audiences.